Set off at 8:30 in direction of Cangshan Mountains.
Took new cable car (southern end, Austrian bubble)uup the mountain, climb steps for 10 to 15 minutes and then walked 11 km trail through beautiful hills and valleys.

Then took open air cable car from northern end down (old US car).

Returned to Kaiyi’s Kitchen restaurant (sat on upstairs balcony this time) to try local cheese (fried), ham (with shredded veg) and tomato and beef soup (runny Bolognese).
Then off and direction of Lake – no time for marble factory today but we get to boat early enough to get earlier boat.

Rocky ride out! Island okay to explore – basically a Bai fishing village (no pagoda!!)

Then back (felt less rocky – asleep some of the time) and rescue Janie from French with big cameras!

Short rest (mainly spent reviewing photos) then out for the evening – strolled town a bit – admired but didn’t buy shirts.
Went to Bad Monkey, ate Chinese vegetables, sausage, chops and mash! Some beer and wine – bought some wallets etc on stroll around and then home.