Delhi, Bhutan, Nepal & Dubai Journey Day Two: From Delhi To Thimpu Via Kathmandu, 20 March 2000

We arrived in Bhutan on half the air fleet

Crack of dawn start – brought toast and bacon to our room – off at 5:30 for airport. After excess baggage debacle, said goodbye temporarily to Delhi and flew off to Paro via Kathmandu.

An erotic American woman got off at Kathmandu and then returned flustered and apologetic. She turned out to be the tour guide from American group!

Bhutan’s sole airport

Drove from Paro to Thimpu – not an especially spectacular drive. We were driven by our guide Pema, as our driver is ill.

Pema Gyalpo was a wonderful guide for our week in Bhutan. I have a feeling he ended up being our driver and guide throughout the week. We’re still in touch, 25 years later (as I write) and I’ll write more on him as the story of our journey unfolds.

Had lunch at Plums (pork, noodles, potato cheese, rice) then checked into hotel before heading off to shops.

Farce at handicraft emporium where our chosen goods got lost between the ticketing and the payment booth!

Found a small shop with a wacky lady, Tsering Dolkar, who will hopefully make Janie a Toego.

Back to hotel for rest, supper and early night.

The re are other pictures from this day, within the Flickr album below – Nos 21 to 32:

01 9 March 2000 Delhi Imperial Hotel - Ian with the doorman and our guide Harmahindra Singh and driver G Singh DBD_J1_Photo01_0

Delhi, Bhutan, Nepal & Dubai Journey Day One: A Day In Delhi, 19 March 2000

Delhi Imperial Hotel – with doormen, our guide Harmahindra Singh and driver Gurcharin Singh

We didn’t hang around in those days – our itineraries were not for the faint-hearted. We landed at midday, dropped our bags and did a quick change at the Delhi Imperial, then went out touring for the afternoon. That was our Delhi slot and by gosh we filled it.

Arrived on time (early). Picked up by Harmahindra Singh and Gurcharin Singh. Did a quick change and then went off touring with them.

Went to see sites – New Delhi including presidents house, India Gate and Parliament House. Old Delhi (through Lahore Gate) to see Jamamasjid Mosque, Red Fort & bazaars in Old Delhi. Tried but found nothing to buy.

Back to hotel for wash/rest and then mild Indian meal of Tikka and kebabs and daal and rice. Early night.

If you want to see all the pictures from this day, they are on the following Flickr album – Nos 1 to 20 – just click the pic.

01 9 March 2000 Delhi Imperial Hotel - Ian with the doorman and our guide Harmahindra Singh and driver G Singh DBD_J1_Photo01_0