If my memory serves me correctly, we saw Peer Gynt as a matinee on the Saturday and then Twelfth Night in the evening. It might have been the other way around.
Anyway, Janie and I voted this one very good, as indeed we voted Peer Gynt.
Coincidentally, I realise at the time of writing (October 2019, almost exactly 25 years later), Janie and I saw Emma Fielding star at Stratford again last week in A Museum In Baghdad.
I also realise that this Twelfth Night experience was almost exactly 15 years after my own “legendary” Alleyn’s School production of Twelfth Night:
Anyway, this 1994 production of Twelfth Night has all the cast and crew listed on Theatricalia – here.
Just one on-line review – Paul Taylor in The Independent, who hated it while admitting that his was probably a minority view.
Also this Michael Billington clipping to be had:
Also Michael Coveney’s review is there to be clipped:
We really liked it. Des Barrit an obvious highlight but Emma Fielding was excellent as always and Tony Britton made an excellent Belch…as it were.
I vaguely remember dining at the Shakespeare after theatre that night…or did we do the Shakespeare after Pentecost and Fatty’s after this? Who cares?