Im Zimmermanschen Kaffeehaus, A Weekend With Trevor Pinnock & His Pals, Wigmore Hall, 14 & 15 January 2000

A pair of baroque concerts over that weekend – Friday evening and Saturday evening. We chose to go and see both. It was part of a series named “Bach & His Contemporaries”.

I logged that Janie and I both described the concerts as:


On the Friday evening we saw/heard:

  • Johann Sebastian Bach – Trio Sonata in G for violin, flute and continuo
  • Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer – Chaconne in D minor for solo harpsicord
  • Diderik Buxtehude – Sonata in B flat for violin and viola da gamba Op 1 no 4 BuxWV255
  • Johann Sebastian Bach – Sonata in B minor for flute and harpsicord, BWV 1030
  • Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber – Passacaglia for solo violin
  • Johann Sebastian Bach – Sonata in G minor for viola da gamba and harpsicord, BWV 1029
  • Johann Sebastian Bach – Trio Sonata from the Musical Offering, BWB 1079

On the Saturday evening we heard:

  • Georg Philipp Telemann – Suite in A minor for recorder and strings
  • Johann Sebastian Bach – Concerto in C for two harpsicords, BWV 1061
  • Johann Sebastian Bach – Sonata in G for violin and harpsicord, BWV 1019
  • Sylvius Leopold Weiss – Tombeau sur le mort de M Comte de Logy
  • Johann Sebastian Bach – Orchestral Suite no 2 in B minor

Trevor Pinnock, Rachel Podger and some of the others recorded the Bach trio sonatas that year. I have put together a playlist on YouTube Music which includes those lovely sonatas and some other pieces from the January 2000 weekend – click here to listen to that playlist. Don’t be put off by the strike through on the link – anyone can hear the playlist but you will get adverts if you are not yourself a YouTube Music subscriber.

If you prefer to just click the odd embed, here is one of the Bach sonatas we heard Trevor and Rachel play:

I wasn’t familiar with the work of JCF Fischer. Here’s Trevor Pinnock playing Fischer’s passacaglia, not the chaconne we heard. Still lovely:

Here are some other people playing (part of) the Telemann Overture/Suite that we heard:

The Weiss piece was a delicious listen. Here is Evangelina Mascardi giving it a go.

We heard William Carter play the Weiss at that January 2000 concert, long before Janie’s “mystery punter” evening at the same venue:

Finally, here is a YouTube of the closing number from that brace of delicious concerts, with music so you can play along with it if you wish: