Crude Moo, NewsRevue Lyric, 20 February 1994

I’m just trying to imagine now, more than 25 years later, what I might have done with this lyric had we known back then that Edwina Currie was having an affair with the Prime Minister, John “back to basics” Major, at the time.

This lyric merely makes fun of Mrs Currie’s attempt at writing a bonkbuster novel.

                                                             _ CRUDE MOO _

                                          (To the Tune of “Blue Moon”)
You’ll have to work out most of the backing do-do’s and wop-wop’s yourselves. It’s more than my jobs worth to even attempt it.
Cu, cu-cu-cu, cu-cu, cu-cu, cu; ree, re-re-re, re-re, re-re, re,
Edwina Currie;
Blue book, blue book, blue book, do-do-do-do-do,
Moo, crude moo, crude moo, do-do-do-do-do,
Moo, crude moo, crude moo, do-do-do-do-do,
Cu, cu-cu-cu, cu-cu, cu-cu, cu; ree, re-re-re, re-re, re-re, re,
Edwina Currie;
Blue book, Edwina Currie’s new tome,
Of the intrigues in the house, when two MP’s are alone.
Crude moo, A Parliamentary Affair’s for,
Those members whom we despair for,
They don’t know what members’ there for.
The gay community, says that you’re permissive,
Tho’ you seemed priggish, when obsessed with eggs;
With incredulity, we read your new missive,
On strawberry cream, smeared in between the legs.
Oh-oh-oh crude moo,
Edwina Currie’s a cow,
She told the old to keep warm,
Her book now illustrates how.
Cu, cu-cu-cu, cu-cu, cu-cu, cu; ree, re-re-re, re-re, re-re, re,
Edwina Currie, crude moo!

Here are The Marcels singing Blue Moon in a doo wop stylee with lyrics upon the screen: