Bluets by Maggie Nelson adapted by Margaret Perry, Royal Court Theatre, 18 May 2024

Janie and I really liked this piece. An innovative, unusual and gripping evening at the theatre.

Here is a link to the Royal Court Theatre resources on this production.

The piece is basically an adaptation of a book by Maggie Nelson, which is a narrated story, more in the form of a poetic meditation than a novel.

All of the cast were excellent: Emma D’Arcy, Kayla Meikle & Ben Whishaw – especially the former.

The use of film projections and intriguing props, which we often find a distraction when we see them used in theatrical productions, worked extremely well in this piece. I have subsequently read the book and realise that the visual devices were, in a way, a distraction from some of the words, but in a good way given the dramatic sense those devices gave to the production.

Reviews are out now, although we saw a preview. (IT has taken me a few weeks to get around to writing this up). Click here for a link that shows the reviews. The reviews are mixed. shared our feeling that this was as an excellent example of theatrical productions using projections. But I sense that Susannah Clapp in The Observer was more intrigued by the piece than overboard about it. Time Out found it a bit obscure, as did

Click through the preceding link, read the reviews…and if you get the chance, see the show and decide for yourselves!