An Open Letter To My MP, 25 May 2020, Plus Postscript With Update & Reply The Next Day

Felicity Buchan MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA

By e-mail only           

25 May 2020

Dear Felicity



You probably don’t even need me to set out my argument in this letter.

Like most of your constituents, I accepted the above regulations, the most extreme impediment to my civil liberties in my circa six decade lifetime, for the good of our nation and the health of my fellow citizens.

My circumstances allow me to do volunteering for the community and enjoy a reasonable lifestyle despite the constraints. Friends and many of the people I am helping with my volunteering are not so lucky. I have friends who have not yet seen in person their new-born grandchildren and/or been unable to see their aged parents. My volunteering uncovers people who have been left destitute by the coronavirus crisis and those who are making incredible sacrifices in an attempt to do the right thing.

It is patently clear that Dominic Cummings, like so many of those people, had difficult choices to make.  But unlike most people, Cummings patently made the wrong choices under pressure, by flouting the above regulations and putting himself and others at risk by making long journeys during lockdown. 

It is an utter disgrace that the Prime Minister is backing Dominic Cummings in such circumstances, rather than sacking him or insisting that he resign.

As a result, the Prime Minister and the Government is losing its authority over the public in the matter of this pandemic and indeed, potentially losing its ability generally to govern with consent. This moral deficit and diminished dominion is a huge risk to our Nation. 

Frankly, if you cannot persuade Boris Johnson to remove Dominic Cummings in these circumstances, you and your fellow MPs should take urgent and prompt steps to remove both Dominic Cummings and Boris Johnson.

Yours sincerely,

Ian Harris

I sent the above letter to my MP, cc:ing Boris Johnson. I also posted it on Facebook, where it seems to have picked up quite a few shares and comments in just a few minutes.

Postscript: 26 May 2020

The following morning, I resent the letter with the following e-mail message:


Just in case you imagine that the events in Downing Street yesterday afternoon/evening have superseded my letter of yesterday morning, I would like to assure you that my views have, if anything, hardened in the light of those events.  My wife is so upset by the injustice, mendacity and double-standards displayed, she is talking about leaving the country if the Government continues to treat the British public with such contempt.

I therefore attach the letter again for your attention and urge you to seek to influence the Government as requested in the attached letter. 

With best wishes

Ian Harris

Fewer than five hours later, I received this direct reply to the above e-mail:

Dear Mr Harris,

Thank you for your letter and emails in regards to Dominic Cummings.  I have received many emails on the subject over the weekend.

I would like to first say that I am very conscious of the many sacrifices that people in Kensington have made during the lockdown; and for some this has been a particularly harrowing experience.  I am sorry to hear about your wife’s thoughts of moving away – I will convey this in the strongest terms. I also believe strongly that those in Government should not be treated differently from those outside.

I want you to know that over the weekend and this morning I have fed through your views on the subject to the Government and have made clear the strength of feeling on this matter. 

However, it is important that this issue does not become all consuming as there are many important decisions that need to be made in the upcoming days and weeks, as we look to reopen schools and in general look to restart the economy.

I will keep you updated on any developments from my side.

Best wishes,


Felicity Buchan MP

Member of Parliament for Kensington