Footman Open Day & Much Ado About Nothing, 11 &/Or 12 September 1993

Strangely, I remember going with Janie to an open day for one of her chiropody suppliers, Footman, in Mitcham.

It was a bit weird.

I think one of the reasons I tagged along was because we wanted to see the movie Much Ado About Nothing and the sensible show time that Sunday was to go straight on from Janie’s trade show.

“But I thought Janie doesn’t like Shakespeare?” I hear you cry. Well, that wasn’t quite so set/established by then and in any case so many people were telling us that we needed to see this movie because the Beatrice and Benedick bit of the plot reminded people of our relationship.


Kenneth Brannagh & Emma Thompson? Do me a favour. Who were we and/or our friends trying to kid?

Not a bad movie though, in that British costume drama/turn a classic into a rom-com sort of way.