This report for King Cricket relates to a small part of our India & Sri Lanka trip, for which the Ogblog placeholder and links can be found by clicking here or below:
India and Sri Lanka, 29 January to 26 February 2011, placeholder and links
Here is a link to the King Cricket piece, which relates to one of several games of garden cricket on that holiday – this one at the Frangipani Tree, near Galle, on 19 February:
Match report of garden cricket at the Frangipani Tree near Galle
King Cricket published the piece on 19 July 2011. Just in case the above link goes duff, I have also scraped the report to here.
Frankly, some of the comments are better than my report – it is worth reading for them. King Cricket can be like that.

Here is my contemporaneous journal record for the whole day:
Very heavy overnight rain – some of Daisy’s things get wet – no point in even considering tennis this morning at seven – Daisy does hair drying instead.
We invent our own exercise regime.
Breakfast, reading (Kalooki Nights), lunch of grilled calamari, chips and bread! With beer.
World Cup [cricket] 2011 starts but we play our own garden version.
Five aside, Wojciech refuses to play but tennis ball cricket enables Daisy to have a go.
We make a respectable 89 for three of eight (I scored 15 in an open stand of 40 odd). We meet “Major General” Richard and his sporty son Chris (my opening partner) and daughter Millie and who knows we might meet the wife (Rosie?).
Our side loses as big fella Sanjay takes advantage of asymmetric field which helps left-hander with big hitting ability.
Even Daisy scores a run off my bowling.
More reading afterwards, followed by dinner of lamb tajine followed by chocolate ice cream washed down with a Spanish Crianza
Tough day.
Our album of Galle photos, all 31 of them, can be seen through the flickr album below:

Our other Sri Lanka photos- 79 excluded from the album – can be found through the link below: