A Couple Of Adjacent Evenings, Mike Ward & the Inaugural Payroll Giving Awards, 16 & 17 October 2007

I cannot remember where Mike Ward (from the Actors’ Workshop in Halifax) and I met that evening, 16 October. Perhaps it was the time we went to a restaurant in Kensington. I tried to put him in touch with one or two potential sources of charitable funds after the evening, but the e-mail and physical diary is silent other than that.

The following evening was the inaugural Payroll Giving Awards at the Treasury. I Chaired the panel of judges that year and for the next few years too. Jane Kennedy MP handed out the awards and the event was hosted by a celebrity for the one and (so far) only time; Martin Lewis

I blogged about the event on Now & Z/Yen at the time. The piece is strangely dated Sunday 30 September, which feels wrong for all sorts of reasons – partly because it would be prescient to say the least as I am pretty sure the event was on 17 October – the date shown in my diary. Further, I cannot imagine even in my work enthusiasm back then to have done such work on a Sunday. My guess is that the date got transcribed wrongly on a move from one system to another, or something.

I also have a note about Computing Awards on 7 November, with a question mark crossed out. This might be the evening that Michael picked up an award for PropheZy, our prediction engine. So perhaps that Now & Z/Yen piece was algorithmically written in advance. 😉