A Two Week Mediterranean Cruise Ahead Of Starting At Alleyn’s School, late August 1973 –Day Eight: Jerusalem

Dome Of The Rock

For the context, itinerary and links for this entire holiday, click here or the link below:

The sixth port of call was Israel (presumably the Port of Ashdod), from whence we went to Jerusalem for the day. Our visit was just a few weeks before the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War, which must have put a stop to such touring for some while.

Still, several stereo photographs, some “monos” from which are shown below.

I remember little about this day, other than being super excited (to use the modern phrase) ahead of it and super exhausted (I’m SO modern) after it.

The Shrine Of The Book

The Western Wall

Dig For King David’s City

El Aqsa Mosque

No surviving cine for Jerusalem, as the film was spoiled, as I described in the preceding piece, much to our (especially my mum’s) dismay.