Julie Goodyear, NewsRevue Quickie Lyric, 2 April 1994

What I knew about contemporary television could have been written on the back of a postage stamp in 1994 – I hadn’t had a TV for years.

But I did know who Julie Goodyear was, because my parents watched Coronation Street regularly.


(To the Tune of "I want to sing in opera")

(Manchester accent is virtually compulsory for this quickie)


I want a show like Oprah’s,
I’ve got her kind of chat;
I don’t much look like Oprah,
For one,I’m not so fat.

I’m Julie Goodyear,
But Oprah has nought she should fear,
Although I’ve now got,
My soap Oprah,
It has not proved so popular,
So far.
(Ta very much and goodnight).

Click here for a video of Patricia Routledge singing I Want To Sing In Opera – the chorus comes in around the 54 second mark. It won’t embed.

Here is a link to the lyrics of I Want To Sing In Opera.