A long-planned dinner at the Noddyland house with DJ, Lana, Linda and Maurice.
Janie had been so hoping for some decent weather so that we could take drinks and nibbles in the garden before dinner, she wasn’t going to let single figure temperatures and dank weather stop that aspect of the project.
So we all wrapped up warm and went outside for drinks with nibbles of Kilcolman (West Cork) smoked salmon and tempura prawns.
Perhaps it was the need to try and stay warm that ensured that the conversation was lively and animated from the word go out there.
I hope everyone has now recovered from the cold.
The main course, wild pacific salmon with new potatoes and salad was also a hit; mostly served with a very fruity Vouvray upon which Janie has settled of late.
The conversation got yet livelier over cheese and a very fine bottle of vintage port.
It was one of those evenings that just worked. Although several of the people didn’t know each other, everyone seemed to get on really well and really easily.
A very enjoyable evening of great food, good wines and superb conversation amongst friends.