Two Movies In One Day? Lemon Tree and I’ve Loved You So Long, 28 December 2008

I think we went to two movies in one afternoon/evening that season.

Janie wrote down both of these movies in her diary fort hat day and I seem to recall working out a way round seeing them both on the same day – by seeing Lemon Tree (the shorter) in the afternoon in Swiss Cottage and then driving to Panton Street for I’ve Loved You So Long.

You could park around Panton Street, even on days when the parking was free, at Twixtmas time back then. Of course, Twixtmas wasn’t known as Twixtmas back then.

But I digress.

Lemon Tree is about a Palestinian widow defending her lemon grove – click here for IMDb details:

We found Lemon Tree very affecting and moving. Superb movie.

I’ve Loved You So Long – click here for IMDb link – is a French film about family and stuff.

I recall we didn’t get as much out of the French film as we did out of the Israeli/Palestinian one. But I also recall we were glad to have seen both.