The Harry Baker Trio, Jazz In The St John’s Smith Square Crypt, 18 April 2024

Will Sach, Harry Baker & Oren Mcloughlin, image borrowed from The Vortex, a fine venue at which The Harry Baker Trio have performed several times

To a late evening jazz concert in the crypt of St John’s Smith Square. The Harry Baker Trio. A young bunch. We’d not seen or heard of them before, but that’s our problem, not theirs.

Here’s the SJSS stub for the event. If SJSS ever mess up their stubbing or something, click here instead.

A small, select audience. A few younger people, plus one or two other tables of seasoned folk like ourselves.

Here’s a short video of the three of them playing one of Harry Baker’s own moody compositions, which we thought were rather good:

But most of the evening comprised them playing standards, the most effective of which were the livelier ones: St Thomas by Sonny Rollins, Empty Pockets by Herbie Hancock, something less well-known by Thelonious Monk and Tempus Fugit by Bud Powell.

These three know what they are doing and play without pretention and with evident joy.

We very much enjoyed our evening. Good luck to them.