Wow – this was a real experience in the theatre. Only a short piece – not even half an hour long – Bobbie and I will have both traipsed to the National after work, spending far more time traipsing than watching. But the memory of this piece lingers long in the memory.

Here is the Wikipedia entry about the play.
What a cast – see this Theatricalia entry for details. Michael Gambon, Miranda Richardson, Tony Haygarth, Eileen Atkins…
…Pinter himself directing…
…Julian Wadham was also in it – I seem to recall that Bobbie was working with his sister at that time.
I rated it very good indeed in my log and I remember talking and thinking about the piece long after the curtain call.
Below is Michael Billington’s Guardian review:
Below is Michael Ratcliffe’s Observer review:
I subsequently saw the piece again, in a double bill with Ashes To Ashes at the Royal Court, with Janie second time around. It is a very strong piece and no doubt can still shock and make the audience realise how bad regimes exert their power in part through the suppression and abuse of language.
What an honour to have seen the first production of this important, though short, piece of drama.