Spoonface Steinberg by Lee Hall, New Ambassadors Theatre, 22 January 2000

I didn’t make any notes in my log about this one. I don’t think we were overly impressed with it, but neither did we think it quite as awful as some of the critics. Still, I’d better let the critics do the job for me with this one, given that i wrote nothing.

Here is a link to the Theatricalia entry for this one. Kathryn Hunter was the big name for this one person show.

Charles Spencer in The Telegraph absolutely hated it:

Spoonface Spencer TelegraphSpoonface Spencer Telegraph 07 Jan 2000, Fri The Daily Telegraph (London, Greater London, England) Newspapers.com

On the other hand, Nicholas de Jongh in the Standard spoke mostly very highly of it:

Spoonface de Jongh StandardSpoonface de Jongh Standard 12 Jan 2000, Wed Evening Standard (London, Greater London, England) Newspapers.com

Susannah Clapp in The Observer didn’t like it much:

Spoonface Clapp ObserverSpoonface Clapp Observer 09 Jan 2000, Sun The Observer (London, Greater London, England) Newspapers.com

The House of Bernarda Alba by Federico García Lorca, Young Vic Theatre, 5 June 1999

Very good indeed…

…we both said. We’re both partial to a bit of Lorca in any case.

Wonderful play, excellent production.

This production had been doing and continued to do the rounds for some time, at regional theatres. A superb cast, including Sandra Duncan, Amanda Drew, Tanya Ronder & Carolyn Jones, directed by Polly Teale – here is a link to the Theatricalia entry for this production.

Our friend, Michael Billington, was also impressed by the production, once it landed at the Young Vic.

Bernarda Guardian BillingtonBernarda Guardian Billington 22 May 1999, Sat The Guardian (London, Greater London, England) Newspapers.com

Nicholas de Jongh in the Standard was also mostly very impressed:

Bernarda, de Jomgh, StandardBernarda, de Jomgh, Standard 20 May 1999, Thu Evening Standard (London, Greater London, England) Newspapers.com

Guiding Star by Jonathan Harvey, Cottesloe Theatre, 9 January 1999

The log is unusually silent about this event. Especially unusual, as I was regularly recording my thoughts, even if just solo word, at that time.

I suspect this means that we didn’t think much of the piece/production but didn’t want to rubbish it.

Our diaries are also silent on what we did afterwards, other than a note in Janie’s diary to expect the show to end no earlier than 10pm. I suspect we picked up shawarmas on our way home.

Here is the Theatricalia entry for this play/production.

Nicholas de Jongh in The Standard was quite vocal in not liking the play:

Guiding Star de Jongh StandardGuiding Star de Jongh Standard 12 Nov 1998, Thu Evening Standard (London, Greater London, England) Newspapers.com

John Gross was similarly unimpressed in the Sunday Telegraph.

Guiding Gross Sunday TelegraphGuiding Gross Sunday Telegraph 15 Nov 1998, Sun Sunday Telegraph (London, Greater London, England) Newspapers.com