Subsequent to my visit to Mauritius in July & August 1979 to visit the Biltoo family, now documented at length on Ogblog…
…I received several letters from the good people I met there. My transcriptions of these letters received might dabble a little with the grammar and spelling but are largely verbatim transcriptions.
This one is from Garçon Biltoo, Anil’s uncle.

First my dictated transcription and then a scan of the airmail letter itself.
Dear Ian,
Hoping that you are well as well as your parents, as for us we are in good health.
We miss you a lot as well as Anil and think that you talk a lot about your first trip abroad. When you will pay us a visit, perhaps in a couple of years?
Geeta, Ratna and others send you their compliments and think to see you again among them. Manjula and Vanisha always talk about you and Anil., they ask me when you will come again. I always told them on the next plane.
Hoping that you have already developed all the films taken by you in Mauritius to show your family and friends over there.
The horse racing will be closed on the 4th of November 1979, it’s the last race on 4th of November 79 and will start anew in May 1980. Do come and we will make a lot of money. The last race held on 27th of October 79 one of the races was won by Karim Khan it cost Rs.30 to win Rs.500.
I just learnt from Anil that some thieves came into your house while your parents were absent And stole some clothes and jewels belonging to your dear mother. I am very sorry for it, but nevertheless the police will find the thieves and imprison them.
Have you already finished the good Rum Made In Mauritius which you brought with you. I hope that you made your friends taste it when you were celebrating your birthday. Anyway how is Anil? Does he always tease you or is he very pacific these days?
You will soon have school holiday, because Christmas and New Year is approaching. When you come to Mauritius you will have more money to your pound because our government devalued its money.
I leave you and say goodbye to you and your parents. I am going to write to Anil and his dad.