Oh No! We Made An Exhibition Of Ourselves At The Tate Modern, Yoko Ono, 24 April 2024

More mummy than a Tutankhamun Exhibition

On a freezing cold Wednesday afternoon, Janie and I hiked to Bankside to see the Yoko Ono Exhibition.

Here is a link to the Exhibition Guide.

We liked the participation elements of the show and threw ourselves into those with reckless abandon.

Mucking about inside a black bag…or rather, “performing Bag Piece” as I should properly describe it, seemed like my idea of fun…

…until I realised that I needed to get up again and get out of the bag…

Rescued by a helpful exhibition steward who also kindly consented to being photographed

Janie seemed more at home in a black bag

Then on to an exhibit where you can draw (and/or photograph) your companion’s shadow on the artwork.

Some wags might suggest that I look better in the shadow than in real life

A rare opportunity to vandalise an art work with both a hammer & the artist’s consent.

Has Janie missed me while I was messing with the art works?

Then on to the refugee boat piece for some more graffiti art

Janie was then horrified to learn that our next contribution to Yoko’s art required us to eulogise our mothers.

Oh crikey!

Let’s work on this one together



I think I’ll play white

More messages of peace even in the lobby outside the exhibition

And in the new swanky bar on the river side of the Tate Modern…

…a message in a bottle of ginger beer.

We enjoyed our afternoon. Shame about the rush hour journey home, saved by dint of using the Elizabeth Line westbound instead of the Central.