Disco playlist, presumed 16 January 1985
A strange artefact, this one. My initial, cursory look led me to guess that this must be from the 1985 summer ball. But I don’t think Pady booked Bad Manners and The Sweet. Also, I recall performing Ringroad in the Main Ballroom for the 1985 Summer Ball.
Pady might remember both of those balls and more besides, if that memory of hers lasts 30+ years. We’re seeing her in a couple of weeks’ time (this post authored March 2016), so I’ll be sure to ask her.
In any case, the notes on the back of the Summer Ball Events Menu have a January 1985 look about them, not least my (rather unusual) disco guest spot playlist.
Indeed the playlist looks like a collection designed by committee, which is why I am guessing that this was a list of request by members of the committee for the night we opened the Ballroom Bar as a real ale bar, after which John and I DJ’d. It was unlike the discos John and I curated by our choice alone, which tended to focus on Motown, Northern Soul and sixties sounds.
So I’m guessing the Summer Ball in question was 1984 and that I was recycling a piece of paper for notes early in 1985.
Here’s both sides of the artefact. You, dear reader, might wish to chime in with comments if you were there and it triggers a memory or three.

I remember it well as I was far too close when Buster Bloodvessel performed his notorious moon to the audience!
And apropos another blog, the day of the big Hackgrass reveal has lived long in this person’s memory too. For one who prides himself on his quiz potential, crossword ability, and all round polymath superiority – not cracking the simplest of codes left me bereft and lacking in self-confidence for years. How could I have been so stupid. Everyone was laughing at me. I was the butt of all jokes and forever felt the disparaging dagger of a pointed finger that drove to my heart the words of scorn ‘he couldn’t even work out who Hackgrass was’. Forgiveness came hard as die the cost of therapy, but I think I’m over it.
So can you confirm that the ball in question was 1984, John? No doubt we’ll be able to discuss when we meet over the next couple of weeks.
Meanwhile, the Hackgrass reveal posting to which John refers can be found on the pingback below.