Keele Sabbatical In Court Twice In One Day, Discos Including A Bust Fund Disco, Courting Controversy & More, 15 to 22 February 1985

DeepAI image of a John White & Ian Harris bust fund disco

I am so impressed by that DeepAI image, based on a mere 30 word description. It even reminded me of the “Rasta shirt” I would sometimes don for such occasions. My dad, for some inexplicable reason, had treated himself to a pair of brightly-coloured pyjamas (primarily acid green in dad’s case) with Ethiopian lion motifs all over them. They were not really big enough for him and hardly his style. I rejected the bottoms but fancied the shirt for parties and other suitable occasions such as bust fund discos.

The Bust Fund was a mandatory Keele Student’s Union “trust” established by UGM some years before my time. It’s sole object was to help students pay fines for possession of cannabis. Helping students convicted for possession of any other controlled drug, or for supply of cannabis, was beyond the trust’s powers. The mandate included a requirement to raise money to meet the trust’s purpose through periodic (I think at least once a term) bust fund discos.

Some sabbatical education & welfare officers were more enthusiastic about their bust fund duties than others. I was and remain in favour of the legalisation of cannabis. At that time, I was not exactly averse to a toke of the stuff myself. I have written a bit about this topic and the February 1985 period previously, when extracting some chunks of Concourse:

Let’s start trawling through my diary for the second half of February 1985.

Friday, 15th February 1985 – very poorly today – got up 4 pm went to count – cooked Petra a meal after – stayed.

Saturday 16 February 1985 – went to town and shops today. Did 60s disco in evening with JohnBoy [John White]. Great. Petra came back.

Sunday 17 February 1985 – Rose late today – did some work etc. Went film briefly etc. Had early night.

My short waves of poorliness are a running theme through my diaries for a few years after my struggle with glandular fever in February 1983:

John White and I took great pride in our 60s discos. There’d be a lot of Motown in there for the dancing and also some of our favourite hippy-dippy stuff too. Many Keele students at that time enjoyed those discos for variety, although I do remember one young woman who was most persistent in trying to get us to play “some up to date” stuff. When I explained that the event had been billed as a 60s disco, these didn’t seem to hold any sway with her. I did at one point threaten to put on some Tchaikovsky, as I had recently purchased some early symphonies of his that date from the 1860s, so that would qualify as 60s music too.

Winter Dreams…California Dreaming…it’s so easy to get confused…

Two Courts In One Day (Plus A UGM)

Monday 18 February 1985 – went to court in morning – University Court in the afternoon. UGM in evening – Petra came over after.

Gosh I remember that day at the Newcastle-Under-Lyme Magistrates Court. I went a few times, to provide moral support to students who had been busted for cannabis.

On that occasion, I recall a female student had been busted for a small quantity of cannabis but also had in her possession a pethidine tablet for which she had no prescription. She told me a friend had given it to her because she sometimes got pain that OTC analgesics wouldn’t relieve. Unfortunately for her, this resulted in a bigger fine than students normally got for cannabis only and also excluded her from applying to the bust fund for help. Moral support was all I could provide.

Newcastle Magistrates Court as it looks now, photo by Jonathan Hutchins used under CC 2.0

Also that morning, I recall, prior that unfortunate young woman’s hearing, another student was in the dock for doing some serious mischief to another young man in a fight one night in town. He was done for actual bodily harm and/or malicious wounding (albeit without a weapon). That student got a suspended sentence and a smaller fine than the unfortunate young female student. I remember that so clearly.

I also remember a policeman coming and sitting next to me during the young woman’s trial. The copper casually enquired of me whether Keele Student’s Union still had a fund for settling the fines of students who had been done for drugs offences.

I couldn’t tell you, I’m afraid..

…I said, expecting a follow up question or three. But I think the copper decided that I must therefore be from some other department at Keele and left it at that. I might have broken down under proper interrogation quite easily, so I’m glad he didn’t try.

After that sobering morning at the local magistrate’s court, the afternoon was spent at University Court. This was a joint gathering of the University’s Senate and Council. It felt like a largely ceremonial affair, as I recall it, as I believe everything that was, technically, approved by the Court had been “made oven ready” by the respective constituent body and there was, as I recall it, no discussion at all. Maybe some years there was discussion.

No wonder I was tired ahead of the UGM, which, I believe, must have been the appearance referred to in this March issue of Concourse.

Verbous? Moi? Ah, you must mean verbose!

Not the best Concourse review I ever had of my UGM appearances. But not the worst either.

The Early January Embarrassment Story Dénouement

Tuesday 19 February 1985 – busy day with union committee etc. Went to talk in evening. Petra for dinner – Ali and Ruth awkward – Petra came over after.

I won’t repeat here the comedy of embarrassment that unfolded at the Union Committee retreat in Somerset – click here or below to read all about it:

Suffice it to say that, some six weeks later, Petra and I had not yet disambiguated the matter with Ali Dabbs and clearly engineered an opportunity to do so on the evening of 19 February. Petra’s lovely friend and neighbour Ruth, who will appear in at least one other context as my 1985 diaries unfold, must have joined this gathering to help try and smooth the evening. How and where it unfolded is lost in the mists of time. Not in my flat, if the surrounding words provide clues. Perhaps at Petra’s place, which was a stone’s throw away. Not that there would have been any stone throwing, just the awkwardness described.

Cooking Kate Curry, “Fiddler” & Bust Fund Disco

Wednesday, 20 February 1985 – very busy – meetings etc. Cooked Kate meal – departmental meeting – drink then early night.

Thursday 21 February 1985 – Busy with meetings etc – went to JSoc Fiddler in evening – did Bust Fund disco later Petra came later.

How on earth do I remember that I cooked Kate (now Susan) Fricker a curry, when all the diary entry says is meal?

In truth, my memory is not that good and I don’t remember, but I do still have my 1984/85 appointments diary as well as my personal one. In the appointments diary I wrote:

Kate Curry 7.30

So there.

“What type of curry was it precisely? Madras based or garam masala based perhaps? Or did Kate favour a milder, korma style…or possibly one of those punchy vindaloo style curries that John certainly favoured at times?”

I don’t remember. Leave me alone. But the appointments diary does tell me that the departmental meeting was with the Security Department – quite possibly to sort out the arrangements for ensuring that scallywags couldn’t get into the Student’s Union to steal drink, as had been uncovered a couple of week’s earlier.

From Concourse, Page One, February 1985. For the record, Simon was the Bar Manager & Tim was the assistant Manager, but Concourse never let all the facts get in the way of a hot scoop.

The next night, it seems I went to a J-Soc showing of Fiddler On the Roof before doing the Bust Fund Disco with John White. On that basis, it is impossible to imagine that we didn’t use Swing Easy by The Soul Vendors at some stage of the evening – a delicious rock steady rendering of the Fiddler On the Roof theme tune.

I have actually been trying to remember the tracks John & I tended to play when we did Bust Fund discos. A lot of reggae, dub and rock steady of course, but mixed in with some other styles that would have seemed appropriate or took our fancy.

John has promised to help me give that matter some thought. The result will be a reimagined mid 1980s Bust Fund Disco playlist. Come to think of it, while John and I are at it, we should try and reimagine those sixties discos, especially the Motown/Northern Soul ones. Watch this space.

My appointments diary for 21 & 22 February also reveals that I did something totally counter to my nature – sailed close to a payment deadline:

I will have written the rent deadline into the diary well in advance to remind myself to pay. The “Oh shit” will have been written later, when I realised that I hadn’t organised myself properly to pay it ahead of time and I had a copy deadline that day. Knowing me, I will have found a way to meet both deadlines in the end – no doubt in a flurry while hollering…

…”I’m busy”…

…as I scurried by.

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