The irony in the fact that I can hardly remember anything about this double bill of Arthur Miller plays is not wasted on me.
Nor is that irony likely to be wasted on Bobbie, with whom I saw this double bill at the Hampstead Theatre in 1988, but I’m guessing she remembers little about it. Nor on Janie, with whom I saw it all again at the Orange Tree in 2006.
There is a Theatricalia entry for this production – here.

I’m pretty sure this production was the UK premier of this double bill, which probably felt like an exciting prospect.
But I think we came away from the experience feeling that this was not top notch Miller.
This on-line review from the Guardian, of a subsequent London production, explains the synopses and supports my limited memory.
Here is a link to Frank Rich’s review of the original Lincoln Centre production in New York.
Below is Nicholas De Jongh’s Guardian review:
Below is Blake Morrison’s Observer review:
Who needs memory once you have subscribed to a Newspaper clippings service?