Biggy Biggy Bang Bang, Comedy Lyric For NewsRevue (Unused), 26 April 1992

Well, I was a bona fide NewsRevue writer when I submitted this one, although i might not have known it yet.

But for some reason the then Director, John Random, did not deem this one good enough.

Perhaps the subject, the big bang, didn’t seem topical enough. I think something big bang-ish must have been in the news. I rather like the lyric.

                                         BIGGY BIGGY BANG BANG
                                   (To the tune of “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”)
Biggy Bang Bang, Biggy Biggy Bang Bang,
Biggy Bang Bang, Biggy Biggy Bang Bang,
Biggy Bang Bang, Biggy Biggy Bang Bang:
Ooohhh, aaahhh, Biggy Biggy Bang Bang, Biggy Biggy Bang Bang’s primeval,
And now Biggy Biggy Bang Bang, Biggy Biggy Bang’s believable;
Look at all the happy scientists, but they never can explain,
Bang Bang, Biggy Biggy Bang Bang’s too big for my small brain,
Bang Bang, Biggy Biggy Bang Bang, except for this refrain:
The birth of the universe,
In six lines of rhyming verse,
Is likely to be a first, so hark;
The soup is primordial,
It looks like lime cordial,
A proton, a neutron and quark.
Ooohhh {NASA}, aaahhh {COBE}, Biggy Biggy Bang Bang, Big Bang’s cosmological,
This {Supa} find {Nova} Biggy Biggy Bang Bang, is so astronomical;
See {Mega} how {Giga} all the puzzled journo’s struggle to describe the dross,
Bang Bang, Biggy Biggy Bang Bang, but they’re all at a loss,
Bang Bang, Biggy Biggy Bang Bang, and no-one gives a toss.
{Biggy Biggy Bang Bang, Biggy Biggy Bang Bang primordial Biggy Biggy Bang}

Below is a video of the song Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Click here for the lyrics to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

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