These days (he says, writing more than 25 years later), I do most of the running with regard to booking theatre. But back then, Janie was more proactive.
There are notes in her diary from weeks before, working out when this was going to open and when we might be available. Then, for the day itself (as one might now find in my diary) notes on exactly which seats she’d booked (Row J) and how long the play might be (8:00 to 10:10).
For sure I would have been a willing participant in seeing the latest Mamet – I had been a bit of a Mamet fan for years by 1993. David Suchet and Lia Williams? yes please. Harold Pinter directing? just tell me where I need to go and when. Here is a link to the Theatricalia entry.
I remember it being a very good production of an extremely powerful play. Here is a link to the Wikipedia entry on the play.
It was in fact a very controversial play and Mamet had written more than one ending for it. There was much debate in the press.
Below is Michael Billington’s review:
Here are links to The Guardian with some fascinating opinions published the following week:
Finally, here is Michael Coveney’s review.
This was a stunning, unforgettable night at the theatre; Janie and I are privileged to have seen this production.