20th Wuxi -> Suzhou. Lake view – fascinating breakfast…
I don’t really remember the breakfast. My guess is that I tried a Chinese style breakfast – wontons, congees and noodles – for the first time in China.
The Hubin Hotel in Wuxi is still highly regarded 25 years later, although I awarded it:
A Colgate Award for disintegrating toothbrushes
Janie and I have long since given up using hotel toothbrushes – we take our own whizzy ones.
Wuxi is an industrial City and our touring – to see factory life – felt very much like a commercial opportunity to try to sell us stuff.
…To pearl factory (shop), porcelain factory (& shop) and silk factory (& shop).

Lunch in Wuxi. Barge trip on Grand Canal -> Suzhou. Dinner followed by early night.
We had a guide on that barge trip from Wuxi to Suzhou, who I honoured with:
The Brian Clough Award for liking the sound of your own voice
Mind you, that sounding off might have been safer than the coach we took in Wuxi – I honoured the driver of Sally’s coach:
The Nigel Mansell Award for driving
All the photos we took on that day – by which I mean all 27 photos – can be seen in raw form in the Flickr album below: