Cross the border (quick) went on to Jerash – excellent Roman ruins but oh boy have we done ruins this holiday.
Not just spoilt by seeing so many splendid ruins…we’d been ruined by ruins.

Jerash was extremely photogenic though. There are loads of good pictures in the album linked below – all labelled up so you can see which ruin is which.
Into Amman & false start shaking into Philadelphia – upgraded to Forte Grand – then short tour of Amman with Mohammad. Saw amphitheatre, city centre etc.
Neither of us can remember the Philadelphia Hotel debacle, but the old grand Philadelphia had been closed/demolished some 10 years before our trip and the only Philadelphia Hotels that remain (and remained then) are/were very modest places. An upcock that was quickly uncocked, it seems.
No idea why we didn’t take photos – perhaps linked to the hotel confusion.
Then early knock off for rest in hotel then dinner at Reem Albawadi for Mansef, Narjilah etc.

The Forte Grand had fine views all right.

It was mostly locals at Reem Albawadi that night and I don’t think they quite knew what to make of us, ordering mansaf which is most certainly a dish for more than two people and then indulging in the local narjilah habit like a couple of old lags.
A placeholder & links covering the whole journey can be found through the link here and below:
All the photos from the Jordan leg of our journey can be found here or below: