Delhi, Bhutan, Nepal & Dubai Journey Day Four: More Touring In The Thimpu Region – Would You Know When You’ve Been Tangoed & Would You Recognise A Takin?, 22 March 2000

Are you takin the mick?”

Breakfast of stuffed paratha (ate little as squitty)…

We had a room with a view…this view… at the Druk Hotel

…then set off on trip to Tango monastery. Saw Queen Mother’s house, Royal Guards Training Centre and villages along the way.

Pema told us that the climb to Cheri might take 2 1/2 hours – in fact we did it in just over one hour including no rest. He must have thought that we were really feeble.

Back in the day, I could tie my own shoelaces and walk quickly up and down hills

So were we visiting Tango or were we visiting Cheri? It’s so unclear from my notes. But it turns out, the monastery we visited is known as Tango Cheri. Sounds like a soft drink that wouldn’t appeal to my taste, but let’s leave that aspect to one side.

Tango is truly beautiful although we were only permitted to see outside the buildings as a venerable visitor was about to leave. 

Our bonus was to walk down with and befriend the farewell party.

Yaks at Dodina – the foot of the Tango Cheri trail

Back to Thimpu for lunch at [Hotel] 89 – tried Momos and other stuff (did Ged eat too much?). On to visit takins in semi captivity. (Ged felt strange affinity with them).

Frankly, the resemblance is uncanny

Back to hotel for squits and short meeting with Pema’s boss. Spent evening squitting and reading.

All the pictures from this day can be found in the following Flickr album – Nos 62 to 92:

001 Vistas on the road to Punakha DBD_J4_Photo33_32

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