China (Beijing, Yunnan and Sanya), More Trekking Around Ringha & Zhongdian, 17 April 2010

Rose a little later than usual having adjusted itinerary to lighten today.

Went 1st to the Tendol Gyalzur orphanage, where the kids put on a show for us and Sonny (Tendol’s son) explained about the orphanage to us.

Then into town for local beer//ginger honey tea at So Ya La (the orphanages restaurant) and on to Ringha village to start walk to tiny Dabaosi Temple with five wisdom Buddhas and only one small pupil on the whole site, seeking guidance from Palchen only on his multitude of gadgets. Very enlightening.

On through the increasing wind back to our hotel.

Relaxing afternoon and early evening reading, reviewing photos etc.

There is a placeholder and links piece for this trip, with links to all the photographs, the full itinerary and stuff – click here for that.

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