Naturally We Were FoodCycle’s Poster Children For Valentine’s Day 2024

No, we don’t know why we were chosen…

It might have had something to do with one of the FoodCycle head office communications team joining our shift at FoodCycle Marylebone in January. Soon after that, I had a message from someone else in communications there wondering whether we’d be prepared to be featured as a Valentine’s story.

It would have been churlish to say no.

We had no action pictures of us working together on FoodCycle in our FoodCycle shirts, except for some masked-up ones for the pandemic days. I asked if a sofa-selfie would do and we were told “yes”.

Don’t ask how many goes it took for us to obtain the half-decent picture that was used.

Here’s a link to the article on the FoodCycle site. If anything terrible were ever to happen to that link, click here for a copy.

Being FoodCycle, this story ended up all over social media on Valentine’s day. Facebook, Insta…

…we must have looked so down with the kids, me and Janie. We were super-excited.

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