Proving Einstein’s Theory Of Time Dilation & Stuff With The National Physical Laboratory At Horizon 22 In London, 15 March 2024

Michael is doing some scientific stuff as part of his Mayoral year, including a piece of work with the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) proving Einstein’s theory of time dilation by dint of measuring time at the top of the City of London’s tallest building (Horizon 22) and the NPL in Teddington.

Michael explained it in his inimitable style

I’ll let the propeller-headed NPL scientists explain it – click here.

The event on the evening of 15 March 2024 was an excuse for a drinks party to show off this experiment and more.

Janie came too and took loads of pictures.

Having dissed my Jackson Pollock tie at the Gresham do on the Monday, I wonder whether Bobbie would have approved of my Jackson Pollock shirt?

The weighty blob experiment confounds everyone, apparently.

Janie really liked the views.

Several Z/Yenistas and their friends/partners

It was a jolly evening. The time flew by, which is surely what Einstein would have predicted.

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