A Day Boating On The Thames At Bray With Kim & Micky, Tony, Phillie & Charlie, 26 July 1998

Three Men In A Boat (…& Four Women)

This trip won’t have been my idea.

No doubt a plan mainly cooked up by Janie and Kim and Phillie. Notes in Janie’s diary suggest that she took control of the arrangements:

9:30 to 5:30… Boat trip… £150. Nobby and Phil. Deposit £500. Ring Elisabeth Mainelli. Open cabin cruiser £150. Bray Boats. Nobby. [presumably the boat man, not my car, which was at that time, coincidentally, a Honda CRX named Nobby].

Janie, with Nobby, at his last resting place

Us lot. A boat. A river. What could possibly go wrong?

Actually, I don’t think anything went wrong. I think we had rather a splendid day out, in fact.

I did have a contretemps with a swan at one point…

In truth, I’m not at home on a boat

…but we resolved our differences and were able to share the river in harmony for the rest of the trip.

Micky – more at home on boats than me

Presumably that’s Nobby, with Phillie and Janie supping wine beyond

Stunning river scenes

Charlie & Phillie

Janie cannot really add to the memory pile, other than concurring that we all had a memorable and enjoyable day.

Update: Charlotte indeed remembers:

Oh my goodness, yes I do remember this.

I think it may even have been the trip where my Dad felt he was the boating ‘expert’ and got grumpy when Mum and Janie took control of navigating some of the Locks!!! He may have had a point though as I think mum’s shoe fell into the river as part of said activities at one point!!

But the most shocking point to make is WHAT was I wearing?! Honestly, that’s a crime against humanity!

There are some other photos. This link (and the picture link below) reveals the whole roll.

Ducks_1998 (17)