Bash by Neil LaBute, Almeida Theatre, 29 January 2000

This production blew us away. It was shocking and also intensely gripping drama.

We trusted the Almeida in those days, so we booked a preview of this one, “on spec”, although we were unfamiliar with Neil LaBute’s work and also unfamiliar with the imported cast and director.

We were right to trust!

Bash is a collection of short plays, rather than “a play”. All were excellent in our view. The last one was the most shocking, but all were shocking in their own way. Brilliantly well acted by Mary McCormack, Zeljko Ivanek & Matthew Lillard. Joe Mantello directed. Here is the Theatricalia entry for this production.

I’m pretty sure the critics tended to be with us in admiring this one. Let’s see.

Yup, Nicholas de Jongh in The Standard waxed lyrical:

Bash deJongh StandardBash deJongh Standard 03 Feb 2000, Thu Evening Standard (London, Greater London, England)

Charles Spencer in The Telegraph admired the writing and performances but hated the plays:

Bash Spencer TelegraphBash Spencer Telegraph 04 Feb 2000, Fri The Daily Telegraph (London, Greater London, England)

Our fried, Michael Billington, in the Guardian absolutely got it:

Bash Billington GuardianBash Billington Guardian 03 Feb 2000, Thu The Guardian (London, Greater London, England)

One of those utterly unforgettable nights at the theatre that makes us want to go back for more!

Aunt Dan And Lemon by Wallace Shawn, Almeida Theatre, 1 May 1999

We thought this play/production was wonderful and we both remember this particular evening at the Almeida extremely well.

I had been especially keen to book this production, as I had read the play in the late 1980s, found it very interesting and wondered whether I would ever get to see it performed.

Janie and I attended a preview, as oft we do. Wallace Shawn was there and we chatted with him for quite some while. He came across as being exactly the sort of slightly-awkward, self-effacing type that he depicted in the film My Dinner With Andre, which is a great favourite of ours. A couple of times I said to Wallace, “I’m sure you need to speak with some other people”, to allow him to move on without discomfort, but he made it quite clear that he was happy chatting with us and continued to do so.

We talked about his other plays, many of which I had read and several of which Janie and I had seen together. We also chatted about the Almeida production of Aunt Dan & Lemon. He told us how thrilled he was that Miranda Richardson was playing Aunt Dan, as he was a huge fan of hers. I remember reflecting afterwards, with Janie, that Wallace Shawn seemed more star struck about Miranda Richardson than we were star struck by chatting with him.

Wallace Shawn. Photo by Sam Felder, CC BY-SA 2.0

The production was truly excellent. I had wondered, when I read the play, how it could possibly be staged well. Director/designer Tom Cairns and the production team had a myriad of clever answers, not least the hugely effective but not overpowering use of video projections on a screen.

Glenne Headly was superb as Lemon, as was Miranda Richardson as Aunt Dan. An excellent supporting cast including Corey Johnson and Kerry Shale.

Our friend Michael Billington loved this play/production:

Aunt Dan Billington GuardianAunt Dan Billington Guardian 06 May 1999, Thu The Guardian (London, Greater London, England)

It’s a shame that the Guardian mis-labelled the photo as Natasha Richardson (daughter of Vanessa Redgrave, no relation to Miranda). I wonder whether Wallace Shawn laughed or cried at that mistake back then?

Nicholas de Jongh in The Standard also liked it:

Aunt Dan Standard De JonghAunt Dan Standard De Jongh 06 May 1999, Thu Evening Standard (London, Greater London, England)

Suzannah Clapp also really liked the production:

Aunt Dan Clapp ObserverAunt Dan Clapp Observer 09 May 1999, Sun The Observer (London, Greater London, England)

Charles Spencer in The Telegraph considered the piece to be pernicious and wrong-headed, which is an interesting counter-argument to those coming at the piece from a more liberal perspective:

Aunt Dan Spencer TelegraphAunt Dan Spencer Telegraph 07 May 1999, Fri The Daily Telegraph (London, Greater London, England)

Thinking about the play some 35 years after reading it and 25 years after seeing it, I am struck by the thought that the play would, today, seem implausible, because an academic with Aunt Dan’s views would be lucky to survive even one semester as an Oxford don. Mind you, Wallace Shawn probably wouldn’t last much longer in an elevated academic institution either. Having thought provoked in this manner is not for wimps.

One of the very best and most memorable evenings we have spent at the theatre.

Speer by Esther Vilar, Almeida Theatre, Followed By Dinner At Granita, 6 March 1999

I wrote but one word in my log for this one:


It was creepy, though.

The play is set some decades after the war, with Albert Speer somewhat rehabilitated as someone ancillary to the Nazi atrocity machine, despite his Nuremberg conviction. This play was about the unravelling of that more favourable image. David Edgar also wrote a play on this subject which was produced the following year, but this Esther Vilar one was the only one of the two we saw.

Here’s the Theatricalia entry for that production.

Excellent performances from Klaus Maria Brandauer and Sven Eric Bechtolf.

We saw a preview. Subsequently, mixed reviews abounded (mostly good) for this production. Here’s Nicholas de Jongh in The Standard:

Speer Standard de JonghSpeer Standard de Jongh 10 Mar 1999, Wed Evening Standard (London, Greater London, England)

Michael Billington, on the other hand, found the debate “rigged”.

Speer, Guardian BillingtonSpeer, Guardian Billington 10 Mar 1999, Wed The Guardian (London, Greater London, England)

Charles Spencer in the Telegraph was impressed:

Speer Spencer TelegraphSpeer Spencer Telegraph 11 Mar 1999, Thu The Daily Telegraph (London, Greater London, England)

My records show that we ate at Granita after this play, as was our habit on occasion when visiting the Almeida back then.