Liberetto III, Lars Danielsson Group, Wigmore Hall, 19 November 2019

I took a punt on this one – Janie doesn’t much like staying in town for anything on a Tuesday evening – but I guessed, correctly, that this would be a really good concert.

Here is the Wigmore Hall resource on this concert.

In fact the evening exceeded my high expectations.

There is a superb review of this concert by Rob Mallows on – click here or below:

I cannot better that review, so need only to defer to it and say little more, other than the fact that Janie and I were quite blown away by this gig. That “oh my gosh this is exceptional” feeling happens rarely for us now, as we are lucky and privileged to see a great deal of wonderful stuff.

But this concert really was the bees knees, as the above review explains.

I dowloaded all three Liberetto albums at the weekend, so we can listen some more to this material and to more of Lars Danielsson’s recent work besides.

Here’s a sample video of one of the tracks from the most recent, Liberetto III, album – Lviv:

Below is another trailer, from the first Liberetto album – different pianist on the vid but the current quartet played this piece on the night:

Have I menioned how good this jazz group is and how wonderfully Lars Danielsson’s music sounds?

I’ll stop and let Lars Danielsson Group’s work speak for itself.