China (Beijing, Yunnan and Sanya), From Dali To Shaxi Via Weishan, 10 April 2010

This was one of the most photogenic days of this holiday. If you really want to luxuriate in this day, it is worth looking at the first 70+ photos in the second Flickr album for this trip:

036 Weishan Scenes P1000335

Again quite early start including check out (8:30).

South to Weishan – brand new road means this is only just over an hour from Dali.

Lovely well preserved old market town (really just the main strip preserved) – rarely visited by tourists, although the new road might well change all that. We were more watched than watching!

Back to Dali for light lunch at Kaiyi’s Kitchen (still great veg, sticky chicken and sweet) then on north to Shaxi – long drive.

Daisy took snaps of Sha Ping from a distance and zillions of snaps along the way. Ged slept mostly.

Time for an early evening stroll around this charming little town. We are staying in a guesthouse which is one of the old wooden courtyard houses on the main square – charming.

We shower and take a simple meal with pumpkin soup and Taiwan/Fujian style noodles and veg and local wine.

Then to bed with Sweet Tooth cookies!

There is a placeholder and links piece for this trip, with links to all the photographs, the full itinerary and stuff – click here for that.

China (Beijing, Yunnan and Sanya), Xizhou, Zhouchen & Dali, 9 April 2010

Again aimed for early start (Ged is not feeling too terrific)

Light breakfast.

Went to Xizhou, a small Bai market town (everyday market). Bought some hemp seeds and took loads of photos there in market.

Also walked through town – visited a couple of old houses (now small apartment complexes).

Then on to Zhouchen village, an even smaller town with every day markets, two banyan trees and a stage. Bought tub for seeds.

Then onto three pagodas – lovely gardens and close look at pagodas – then onto marble factory (shop) for several gift is. Then home.

Brief pitstop then into town for a beer, soup (chicken and mushroom/ham and veg), internet access to tell folks we’re phoneless!

Draw dosh and look at some more shirts and wallets (bought chopsticks and last night’s shirts). Then to Sweet Tooth for coffee and cookies served by deaf but efficient staff.

Back for some R&R and went through copious photos from today before packing a bit, going to Café de Jack where the staff weren’t deaf but sure were dumb! Still charming and sweet.

Ate veg, lasagna, local beer (me), wine (Daisy) and strolled to supermarket before returning home.

There is a placeholder and links piece for this trip, with links to all the photographs, the full itinerary and stuff – click here for that.