7 August 1994
Dear Jonathan
I had a interesting chat with Mark after the show on Saturday; he suggested that I drop you a note with my thoughts on redressing the balance of the show.
I suspect that you probably only need to change about 6 items in the show to beef it up substantially and improve the balance. The table below shows ones I can remember. Many of them may well be in your reserve pile anyway.

I wasn’t sure about the opening and closing numbers. I felt the pace of the show wasn’t right at the start (it took quite a while to warm up) and then it was really great until a lull towards the end. The home run was fine (Merchant Ivory ->).
On a more upbeat note, I really don’t think the show needs that much change to convert it from “a good show” to “a really good/great show”. I loved the Necrotising Faciitis song – I’m amazed it has never had an airing before.
Best wishes to you all on your trip – and don’t kidnap Mike Hodd this time.