Beef Bones, NewsRevue Lyric, 11 January 1998

Jack Cunningham was the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. I had a bit of a thing about the beef-on-the-bone ban – as reported in an earlier piece – click here – which resulted in my spleen being vented in the Daily Telegraph of all dreadful places:

Beef On The Bone Risk Compared With Christmas Risk, Z/Yen Public Relations Stunt, 5 December 1997

Then I resorted to NewsRevue lyric on the topic.

(To the Tune of “Dry Bones”)


Jack Cunningham cried “dem beef bones”,
Jack Cunningham cried “dem beef bones”,
Jack Cunningham cried “dem beef bones”,
Now hear the word of “The Doc”.

Jack Cunningham banned all of dem beef bones,
Jack Cunningham banned all of dem beef bones,
Jack Cunningham banned all of dem beef bones,
Now hear the word of the law.


The tail bone’s connected to the back bone,
The back bone’s connected to the head bone,
The head bone’s connected to the prion,
The prion’s connected to the BSE,
The BSE’s connected to the CJD,
The CJD’s connected to the export ban,
The export ban’s connected to the Euro man,
The Euro man’s connected to the bureaucrat,
The bureaucrat’s connected to the science rat,
The science rat’s injected with the beef bone,

So here’s the cause of the ban.


Dem bans, dem bans, beef bone bans,
Dem bans, dem bans, beef bone bans,
Dem bans, dem bans, beef bone bans,
So here’s a true loony law.

Disobey dem bans, beef bone bans,
Disobey dem bans, beef bone bans,
Disobey dem bans, beef bone bans,
And stuff the word of the law,
Stuff the word of the law.

Below are the Delta Rhythm Boys singing Dry Bones:

Click here for the lyrics to Dry Bones.

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