#aiww: The Arrest Of Ai Weiwei by Howard Brenton, Hampstead Theatre, 26 April 2013

Janie and I both loved this piece/production.

I’m not a great lover of Howard Brenton’s work; the best of it is terrific (e.g. Pravda, which he wrote jointly with David Hare), while some of his plays seem to me to be gratuitously violent, ponderous or both. But this one is excellent.

Here is a link to the Hampstead resource on this play/production.

A fabulous piece of design, trying to utilise Ai Weiwei principles without overdoing it, the set was eye-catching throughout.

A large cast, all good, led by Benedict Wong who was superb as Ai Weiwei – the fact that he really looks the part helps but would not have been sufficient – he is also a very good actor. James MacDonald is a very reliable director too.

Parenthetically, Benedict Wong SO looks the part that Janie mistook him for Ai Weiwei himself at the theatre a couple of years later – click here or below:

You For Me For You by Mia Chung, Royal Court Theatre Upstairs, 9 January 2016

This link – click here – takes you to a short BBC interview with Howard Brenton about the piece.

Below is a short vid showing the making of the urns for this production:

Here is a link to reviews etc for this play/production- mostly deservedly excellent.

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