Homeward Bound From Likoma Island, Malawi, 14 October 2013

Click here or below for a placeholder with links to the photographs, itineraries and even (if you dare) scans of the hand-written journals from our amazing journey to Malawi.

If you prefer to read the typed up journals illustrated with pictures, these are going up during November & December 2020

Rose early. Read, packed, took tea/coffee, showered and took breakfast.

Finish packing – said our fond farewells to all at Kaya Mawa.

McDonald took us to the airport where Cameron awaited us with just one other couple & the small plane, a Cessna Six (just about) seater. Nice couple Tom and Nicole have been in Zambia Mozambique. We should be travelling with them all the way to London I suspect but fortunately they are not like the Taylors.

Nicole scrunches into the back after long-legged Tom takes the front seat and we take the pair. We fly low and smoothly – Daisy takes pictures as does Tom.

It’s a bit bumpy on final descent (we had been warned) .

We have no formalities at the other end, as we’ve already cleared into Malawi, while the other two need to go through customs and border control. Meanwhile we collect our bags and are ably assisted through to immigration by our eager Wilderness rep, for whom a $5 tip seem to be transformative.

Security formalities at Lilongwe was a sticky affair but this time our SAA flight seems to be an on-time thing.

That’s all he wrote, folks.

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