The King Cricket List, A Story For ThreadZoomMash, Performed 1 April 2021

The above logo used with the kind permission of King Cricket

For many years I have written occasional guest pieces for the amusing cricket website, King Cricket. Most pieces are written by webmeister Alex Bowden; a fine writer and good bloke.

My contributions tend to be in the following, especially whimsical, King Cricket categories:

  • Cricket paraphernalia in unusual places;
  • Animals being conspicuously indifferent to cricket;
  • Cricket match reports, which must meet one of two strict criteria:
    • if it’s a professional match, on no account can the writer mention the cricket itself,
    • if it’s an amateur match, the author is expected to go into excruciating detail about the cricket.

I realise that I have just generated a small list; a list of King Cricket categories.

But that is not the list I want to talk about today. No.

I keep a list of my submissions; I call it my King Cricket Article Log.

That’s the list I want to talk about. There are 83 articles on the list at present; 75 published and eight pieces awaiting publication.

I could simply cut, paste and read all the article titles…but I don’t think that would be much fun for you, or me.   

Instead, I have written a highlights list, with explanations, which might be an entertaining story in its own right:

Alex Bowden often publishes my pieces “fashionably late”; not knowing when they’ll be released is part of the fun for me. That’s why I keep a canonical list of my King Cricket submissions.

Review Of The Evening

As the brief for this ThreadZoomMash was to write a story based on a list, I think I owe it to the evening’s central conceit to review the evening in the form of a list:

  • Rohan introduced the evening with some thoughts on what lists are in the grander scheme of things and how they might become central to our stories;
  • Julie read a truly brilliant short story about a very short-lived romance in the form of a series of daily do-lists;
  • Geraldine had us in stitches with story named Stitches, about a trip long ago with her baby and an infeasibly long packing list for an activities weekend;
  • Then I performed my King Cricket piece;
  • Ian Theodoreson then recited a very poignant and thought-provoking piece about to do lists with items crossed off, which was in some ways a stroll through the different types of to do lists that have been relevant throughout his life. Ian has upped his piece, The List, to his own website, Living In Hope – click here ;
  • Jill’s list story was very imaginative; based on the idea that all the things she (or her character in the story) had done to escape an unsatisfactory employment were in the form of theme park activities, which she explored as a list of such things;
  • Jan talked about her love of lists, discussing several different types of list before settling on her “Grumpy List”, a surprisingly short list of highly amusing bugbears. So, we then moved on to…;
  • …Kay, who opened with a Dorothy Parker quote, which led in to her list of the men/boys for whom she has strong and poignant memories of why she was attracted to them. It was a wonderful mixture of charming, funny and dark;
  • Terry’s piece was called The Gratitude List. It mostly comprised a list of the people he’s been closest to and to whom Terry is perennially grateful. It was a very touching piece.

We had a great chat about each other’s pieces after the readings, which made for a very enjoyable gathering, as always.

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