Disgraced by Ayad Akhtar, Bush Theatre, 18 May 2013

We thought this was a very interesting and engrossing night at the theatre.

Ayad Akhtar won the Pulitzer Prize for drama with this visceral play about a Muslim corporate lawyer, Amir, in New York, whose life unravels during a dinner party.

Amir is a Westernised Muslim, who admits to feeling anti-Israel, on largely “tribal” grounds. But is Amir’s position anti-Semitic and is this issue the cause of his corporate undoing and more?

Here is a link to the Bush resource on this play.

Writing this up in March 2018, I am reminded of the play we saw last week, Checkpoint Chana – click here or below:

Checkpoint Chana by Jeff Page, Finborough Theatre, 11 March 2018

Although Disgraced (like Checkpoint Chana) rather unrealistically rushes the central character’s disintegration, it emerges from a far more subtle and interesting debate. It is also a far better piece of drama.

Excellent cast and production for Disgraced at the Bush too.

Below is the trailer vid…

…follwed by an interview with the author:

This search term – click here – finds the reviews (mostly very good) from the Bush production.