Letter To Mike Ward, Actors’ Workshop, 16 April 1996


Mike Ward 16 April 1996
Actor’s Workshop
West Grove Terrace
Hopwood Lane
Halifax West Yorkshire


Dear Mike


Life is something between anarchy and chaos since I got back. I don’t know what the “something” (as in “something in the City”) is, but at times I wish it was something else. Is that a cue for a song??

I have finally managed to down tools for long enough to print out my latest batch of stuff for you. Hope it isn’t too late. Some day soon I hope to find time to write some more – this weekend looks like a contender as I can feel the need to write welling up inside my tormented little brain.

Hope to see you and speak soon.

Yours sincerely



Ian Harris


Letter To Mike Ward, Actors’ Workshop, 5 April 1996


Mike Ward 5 April 1996
Actor’s Workshop
West Grove Terrace
Hopwood Lane
Halifax West Yorkshire


Dear Mike

I’M BACK!!!!!

Sorry I missed your trip to London last month. Thailand and Vietnam were fascinating and refreshing. Now it’s back to reality I’m afraid and it doesn’t feel so good.

I recall leaving the country owing your charity money, as you did not deduct any angel money from the 1996 New Year Revels cheque. From memory, Angelling costs £25. Let me know if this is not the right amount.

Hope to see you and speak soon.

Yours sincerely



Ian Harris


Actor’s Workshop Correspondence & VAT Invoice, 23 & 29 November 1994

Some sundry correspondence and a VAT invoice (which must have baffled Mike Ward) with The Actor’s Workshop in late 1994, while I was registered for VAT in my own name in order to get Z/Yen started.

I sent Mike stuff for his New Year Revels shows for several years, sometimes wrote material to order (from memory, not that year) and occasionally attended with Janie.

No need to redact the address for this correspondence – the premises was fire-bombed in 2001, soon after Casablanca The Musical brought the house down – another story.

Apologies for the rogue apostrophes in the correspondence below – I was young and foolish back then.

Mike Ward                                  23 November 1994
Actor’s Workshop
West Grove Terrace
Hopwood Lane
Halifax, West Yorkshire
Dear Mike


Thank you for your letter, cheque and note re Save The Children Fund. I hope the preparation for your show is going well. I enclose my invoice (VAT regulations, who needs ’em?).

I look forward to hearing from you / seeing you soon.
Yours sincerely
Ian Harris

The enc:

FAO Mike Ward      Date: 23 November 1994
Actor’s Workshop      Tax point: 23 November 1994
West Grove Terrace
Hopwood Lane
Halifax, West Yorkshire
INVOICE TO: Actor’s Workshop

In respect of songs and sundry patter for the New Year Revels show scheduled for January 1995.

VAT @ 17.5% 5.96

TOTAL £40.00
This amount has been received, with thanks.

…and one more letter…

Mike Ward 29 November 1994
Actor’s Workshop
West Grove Terrace
Hopwood Lane
Halifax, West Yorkshire
Dear Mike


Thank you for the call yesterday. I enclose the tape you requested. If you need anything else, do get in touch.

Hope to see you soon.
Yours sincerely
Ian Harris


Letter To Mike Ward, 20 July 1994

Mike Ward 20 July 1994
[address redacted]

Dear Mike
Thank you for the message you left earlier today. I’m glad you like the stuff I sent you. I enclose tape recordings of the ones you requested.
Please do get in touch if you need any more material I might have for you – I have a portfolio of over 200 of the things (although many were very topical and are of historical interest only now).
On the matter of filthy lucre, please note that I have assigned the rights to the Better Face lyrics to Save The Children Fund (the address is on the song). Please send any money for Better Face directly to them. If you use any of the others, please send any money directly to me.
I look forward to hearing from you again soon.
Yours sincerely
Ian Harris

Letter To Mike Ward, 18 July 1994

When did I first meet Mike Ward of the Actors’ Workshop in Halifax? All the evidence suggests 14 July 1994, when he came to NewsRevue, with his son Adam if I recall correctly.

Mike Ward 18 July 1994
[address redacted]

Dear Mike

It was a pleasure to meet you at News Revue last week. I enclose the selection of songs I promised you. As I said that evening, I have recordings of all of the originals of these which I shall happily tape for you should you request it.
Please do not hesitate to call for a tape or to discuss any other material I might have for you.
Yours sincerely
Ian Harris