When did I first meet Mike Ward of the Actors’ Workshop in Halifax? All the evidence suggests 14 July 1994, when he came to NewsRevue, with his son Adam if I recall correctly.
Mike Ward 18 July 1994 [address redacted] Halifax
Dear Mike
It was a pleasure to meet you at News Revue last week. I enclose the selection of songs I promised you. As I said that evening, I have recordings of all of the originals of these which I shall happily tape for you should you request it.
Please do not hesitate to call for a tape or to discuss any other material I might have for you.
Self-explanatory pollution in the atmosphere meets slow news over the summer lyric. Contains some good lines:
(To the Tune of “Summer In The City”)
Ozone, summer in the city, Ghastly poison fumes make asthmatics feel shitty; No air, isn’t it a pity, Nobody can breath this summer in the city; All around, pleurisies and asthmas, Better off just smoking, better wear a gas mask.
Go out in a London smog, Asphyxiate your dog; This weather story is a crashing bore, Better spice it up with dead labradors, And pugs – then folk are sympathetic, They’re mugs – cos the news is pathetic, In the summer in the city, What a bummer of a ditty.
Hot stuff, summer in the city, Photojournalists snapping bums and titties; Great shot, photograph ’em pretty, Prowling round the parks this summer in the city; All around, even at a bus stop, Take the pictures quickly, before they cough their guts up.
Our paper is quality, Now only twenty pee; Is this the Sun or the Time’s claim, These Murdoch papers now are just the same, They’re lame – like the News of the Screws, Stay sane – watching our News Revue, Cos it’s rummer and it’s witty, Stop this number, do a skitty……..
(Straight into a short sketch on smog or newspaper price wars).
Here is a great video of The Lovin’ Spoonful performing Summer In The City:
Below, same track again, with lyrics on the screen:
Heather was a client of Stanley Bloom’s, so I did a bit of work for her through that.
Anyway, it seems I wrote this topical lyric to mark the collision of the comet Shoemaker Levy 9 with the planet Jupiter…
…what do you mean, you don’t remember that event in July 1994? Here’s a short CNN news video with pictures and stuff…followed by my lyric:
(Duet for Patrick Moore and Heather Couper to the Tune of “Great Balls Of Fire”)
PATRICK:Some say it’s a cosmological sign, HEATHER:This comet Shoemaker-Levy 9; PATRICK:I’m Patrick Moore, HEATHER:Oh what a bore, BOTH:By jove, bright mauve, Jupiter fire.
HEATHER:I came along and I said stars are super, PATRICK:I hate that daft cow Heather Couper; I’ve got more zeal, HEATHER:I’ve sex appeal, BOTH:Goodness gracious weird TV stars.
PATRICK:Kiss me Heather, HEATHER:Ughhhhh – no hope; PATRICK:Wondered whether, You might erect my huge pork telescope.
HEATHER:You’re in trouble, PATRICK:A bit like Hubble, HEATHER:A screw or two’s come lose so you both see double, double.
BOTH:We wait for years and we do all our sums, Jupiter’s smashed up by these earth-sized crumbs; We’re both in orbit, Everyone else ignores it, Goodness gracious great non event.
Below is a video with Jerry Lee Lewis singing Great Balls Of Fire with the lyrics on the screen:
I don’t think I liked the idea of privatising high-security psychiatric Hospital Broadmoor
(To the Tune of “Lullaby of Broadway”)
MEDICS:Go on the streets and see the loons, We’re privatising Broadmoor; Releasing fruits and loony tunes, While privatising Broadmoor; Depressives under subway trains, And crazies driving taxis; So watch out for those red blood stains, On Rippers, Bates’ and Max’s.
SOLO MEDIC:When a Broadmoor inmate says he’s well, He’s merely psychopathic; And once he’s out you soon will tell, He acts erratic.
(During the outro a “Horror Movie Crazy” enters with e.g. axe, bloodstains, general gothic gore) MEDICS:Goodbye, Crazies, Goodbye, The Tories are in power; Sleep tight, Ladies, Sleep tight, Just don’t take a shower; CRAZY:Mother!!!!!!!! MEDICS:We’ll get deep cuts privatising old Broadmoor. CRAZY:Hi, honey, I’m home!!!!!
Below is The Andrew Sisters singing The Lullaby Of Broadway with lyrics on the screen:
Below is Winifred Shaw singing Lullaby Of Broadway in the original version of the song, from Gold Diggers of 1935:
I really like this mini medley – really complex rhymes but I think they work and have humour.
I think it was used a fair bit – Jeffrey Archer was rarely out of the news.
(To the Tunes of “We’re in the Money” and “I Say a Little Prayer For You”)
CHORUS: He’s Jeffrey Archer, he’s Jeffrey Archer,
He’s in the grot but not with spots posterior;
He’ll lose his money, he’ll lose his money,
This Lord, assured a fraud and cheated Anglia.
JEFFREY: Oh, I wanted to be Chairman, of the square men with clout,
With DTI inspection on reflection its beyond all doubt.
CHORUS: He’s in the do-do, he’s in deep do-do,
His title’s stifled it’s an honour amongst thieves.
JEFFREY: The moment I wake up, I think of some lie to make up,
Then buy a little share or two;
MARY: He’s most unappealing, cos he’s been insider dealing,
And had the odd affair or two.
JEFFREY: I’m wary that Mary has stuck by my side throughout my troubles,
MARY: His fiction caused friction, but I’m worth a pile and he’s worth double,
JEFFREY: I’m flagrant,
MARY: I’m fragrant,
BOTH: But in a short while we’ll be uncoupled,
JEFFREY: Which means back to harlots for me. (Jeffrey starts to spruce himself up)
JEFFREY: I’m Jeffrey Archer, I’m Jeffrey Archer,
I’ve got a lot of what they call insider shares;
CHORUS: He’s in Armani, he’s in Armani,
He’s rich and kitsch some bitch can handle his affairs;
JEFFREY: Oh I am a model Tory, seeking glory and fame,
As I have lots of gall I shall frame a fall guy for the blame;
CHORUS: He’s in the Torys, he’s in the Torys,
He’s got a lot of what it takes to be let off.
Here is We’re In the Money, 42nd Street Style. with the original lyrics:
Here is Ginger Rogers doing We’re In The Money from Gold Diggers of 1933:
…and here is Aretha singing I Say A Little Prayer For You, with lyrics on screen:
I wrote a minor update 9 January 1995, which I think helped this medley back into the show:
(To the Tunes of “We’re in the Money” and “I Say a Little Prayer For You”)
CHORUS: He’s Jeffrey Archer, he’s Jeffrey Archer,
He’s in the grot but not with spots posterior;
He’ll lose his money, he’ll lose his money,
This Lord, assured a fraud and cheated Anglia.
JEFFREY: Oh, I wanted to be Chairman, of the square men with clout,
With DTI inspection on reflection its beyond all doubt.
CHORUS: He’s in the do-do, he’s in deep do-do,
His title’s stifled it’s an honour amongst thieves.
JEFFREY: The moment I wake up, I think of some lie to make up,
Then buy a little share or two;
MARY: He’s most unappealing, cos he’s been insider dealing,
And had the odd affair or two.
JEFFREY: I’m wary that Mary has stuck by my side throughout my troubles,
MARY: His fiction caused friction, but I’m worth a pile and he’s worth double,
JEFFREY: I’m flagrant,
MARY: I’m fragrant,
BOTH: But in a short while we’ll be uncoupled,
JEFFREY: Which means back to fast cars for me. (Jeffrey swerves, Mary stops him from falling)
JEFFREY: I’m Jeffrey Archer, I’m Jeffrey Archer,
I’ve got a lot of what they call insider shares;
CHORUS: He’s in Armani, he’s in Armani,
He’s rich and kitsch that bitch can handle his affairs;
JEFFREY: Oh I am a model Tory, seeking glory not jail,
As I have lots of cash I shall crash my car and tell the tale;
CHORUS: He’s in the Torys, he’s in the Torys,
He’s got a lot of what it takes to be let off.
Written in July 1994, revived in October 1994, I’m unsure how well this did in the show, I’m pretty sure I saw it performed.
I rather like it.
In those days, of course, no-one knew that Camilla would emerge as Chuck’s other half – she was perceived as his bit on the side back then.
(To the Tune of “Diana”)
CHORUS: Wah, wag-wag-wah, wag-wah-wah, wah-wah,
Wah, wag-wag-wah, wag-wah-wah, wah-wah;
CHARLES: I’ll be King and you’ll be Queen,
‘Tho folk don’t know where we’ve been;
I don’t care when press berate,
I shall never abdicate;
There’s always adultery,
In the British monarchy,
Oh please rule with me……..Camilla.
CHORUS: Wah, wag-wag-wah, wag-wah-wah, wah-wah; (Camilla enters during this)
CAMILLA: Then the press gave us lots of stick,
Over where you dip your wick;
When we ride a cross country course…
CHARLES: …I confuse you with my horse;
She’s so young and you’re so old,
But I have been Parker-bowled;
CAMILLA: Please don’t match me with Diana.
CHORUS: Wah, wag-wag-wah, wag-wah-wah, wah-wah; (Queen & Philip enter during this)
QUEEN: Stupid Charlie,
CHARLES: Sorry mother,
QUEEN: Don’t let on you have a lover;
Take a tip from dad and me,
BOTH You just don’t talk to Dimbleby. (PHILIP: You’re a bloody wimp, boy!)
CHARLES: I still find Diana duller,
QUEEN: Camilla is no water-colour;
PHILIP: She looks like my old dog Rover,
QUEEN: But Charles had her three times over;
CHARLES: I’ll go ruin an architect,
QUEEN: You command naff-all respect;
CAMILLA: Oh please God spare me the Windsors. (EITHER: blackout….
OR: Queen, Philip and Charles, incredulous at this outburst, hound Camilla off the stage).
Here is Paul Anka singing Diana – you need to click through to read the original lyrics underneath the YouTube:
As promised, I enclose your pack of lyrics and tape for my offerings. The pack consists of a few new songs with longevity, and the older ones I think might have a shot at Edinburgh. They are virtually all this years songs with success plus shelf life. I have also included “Yasser” which was too late for Edinburgh last year and seems to be back in the news now.
…”can you write a different one along similar lines?”…
…which I could do, of course. I even quite like this one, which focuses on the health secretary, Virginia Bottomley:
(To the Tune of “Cecilia”)
DOCTORS:Virginia, you’re breaking our hearts, You’re closing more hospitals daily; Oh Virginia, we’re down in your leagues, We’re begging you please, do not close, PATIENT:Do not close.
A DOCTOR:Doing sums from dawn till night, While Virginia’s in the Isle of Wight; (DOCTORS:….doing sums…..) PATIENT:I got up cos I got bored, But when I went back to bed she had closed down my ward.
DOCTORS:Virginia, we’re only two star, You’re shaking our confidence daily; PATIENT:Oh Virginia, I’m down on my knees, My callipers seized and withdrawn, just withdrawn. DOCTORS:Ba ba ba ba ba, ba ba ba ba ba ba ba.
DOCTORS:Jubilation, we’re three star again, We do all our work in out patients; PATIENT:Ruination, I won’t walk again, They do all their work without patients. (Doctors merrily pick up the poor hopeless patient and carry him offstage while oh-oh-oh-ing the merry “jubilation” tune)
Below is a video of Simon & Garfunkel singing Cecilia with the lyrics on the screen:
A couple of new ones. The only recording I have of Flintstones is a great pastiche in the style of Bruce Springsteen. It’s a shame we don’t have a saxophonist! Hope you like the songs.
I had previously done a lyric to It’s Good News Week on the theme of slow news. Now I was trying one on the theme of cheap news – i.e. a price war between the papers. I’m not sure if this version was used.
(To the Tune of “It’s Good News Week”)
VERSE 1 It’s cheap news week, Telegraph’s just 30p, The price still seems too much for me, It’s such an awful read; It’s cheap news week, Times is down to 20p, I wouldn’t take it if it’s free, They’ll cut price till they bleed.
Have you read the news? What has it told? Media price wars, Independent’s bound to fold, (Guardian has caught a cold).
It’s slow news week, Papers only talk about, The price wars that they fought about, On front page and on back; It’s piss poor weak, Customers will soon be thrashed, When all they’ve got is Murdoch’s trash, And crap from Conrad Black… We want our papers back, So give these shits the sack.